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01 November 2012

What will NOT be discussed in any political campaign

Yeah. That. (and I was the at-home-Dad). Anyone outraged besides me?
"...The results showed that in 60% of the cases, the father had filed for enforcement of his access rights within six months of the initial court orders. However, despite repeated filings, within five years, 90% of those fathers all had lost all contact with their children..."

History - In 1988, in opposition of an amendment to the Revised Child Support Enforcement Act, member of in Congress got a funding bill passed to have the US Dept. of Health & Human Services conduct a 50-state study to show that fathers wanted no relationship with their children following a divorce. They were opposing an amendment that would establish a $10 million grant to the states to set up "Expedited Procedures To Enforce Court Ordered Access Rights".

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WCG+ 1-Nov-2012

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